
Maison Sport Launches in Scotland

The expansion will support self-employed ski instructors in Scotland as working legislation is affected by Brexit. Many ski instructor jobs in Europe have now gone for British instructors as the free movement of labour ends.

Maison Sport is a platform created to connect people with the very best independent and passionate ski and snowboard instructors.

It has confirmed that it will be expanding into all major Scottish resorts including; Cairngorm Mountain, Glencoe Mountain, Glenshee, Lowther Hills, Nevis Range and The Lecht.

The expansion into these Scottish resorts will support instructors whose qualifications are recognised across Europe, but will now be unable to work in Europe this winter unless they are able to obtain a work visa.

Each instructor will have gained approval from the local ski resort that they can work alongside other ski schools in the area.

“Covid-19 and Brexit have undoubtedly hit the ski industry hard, but we are optimistic that this news will support a great many ski instructors residing in and around Scotland,” said co-founder and CEO of Maison Sport, Nick Robinson.

He is also a a former member of the British Ski Team.

“With changing legislation and travel restrictions, our launch will help provide these instructors with the chance to work at home.”

“We’re looking forward to supporting the ski industry in Scotland to get back on its feet again this year.”

As the only platform dedicated to independent instructors, Maison Sport has been something of a game-changer for ski and snowboard instructors, who can increase their earnings using the platform.

With a new instant booking function on the site lessons can be booked quickly, effectively, and seamlessly.

Instructors in the Maison Sport community can be booked last minute, in a matter of hours, which will be hugely beneficial for customers in the uncertain nature of the current climate.

Nick Robinson continues; “Maison Sport helps independent instructors to fill up their availability by connecting them directly with new clients. It’s great because the platform can work for an instructor whether they’re looking to use it for a week or the full winter.”

“Last winter in France alone, the average instructor earned an additional €5,000 by having a profile on Maison Sport, with some earning in excess of €25,000.”

Image c/o Maison Sport

About Maison Sport:

Since its launch in 2016, Maison Sport has successfully worked with over 600 independent ski instructors, across Europe, to connect them with new clients, providing a more cost-effective and personalised experience for both instructors, and learners.

The marketplace has recently surpassed 20,000 hours of lessons taught and prides itself on the site’s 3,100+ individual instructor reviews left by over 70% of customers, placed on instructor’s profiles after their lessons, over 90% of which are rated 5 stars.

For more information visit www.maisonsport.com

Maison Sport was created by a team of industry professionals with over 25 years of ski teaching experience.

All ex-British ski team members & fully qualified ski instructors, the founding team at Maison Sport have successfully worked together over the past 5 years.

Witnessing an antiquated way of booking lessons, they spotted an opportunity to solve a problem for customers and ski instructors, by using a technology platform to connect the two parties directly. 

Maison Sport offers reduced costs to the customer of as much as 50% and provides a more ethical and profitable practice for the instructors, who keep up 93% of the cost of the lessons.

Much like many successful marketplaces, one of Maison Sport’s key selling points is its unique instructor reviews, only left by past customers, which enable new customers to make informed decisions about their ski or snowboard lessons.

Currently, the Maison Sport marketplace includes more than 350 resorts and over 1,000 trusted, qualified instructors across France, Switzerland, Italy and Austria. 

In France, Maison Sport’s instructor pool is second only to the Ecole de Ski Francais, a company that was founded in 1945.

Image © Maison Sport.