
NZ Ski Area Closes Due to Poor Snow with 130 Staff Laid Off…… UPDATED

Mount Ruapehu, on the North Island, has laid off around a third of its workers as many slopes are bare and some areas have had to close. Ski resorts on the South Island report good snow conditions.

There are two ski areas on the mountain – Tūroa and Whakapapa.

Turoa will temporarily shut.

New Zealand is having one of its hottest winters and there has been reduced natural snow cover.

The warm temperatures have also limited snowmaking opportunities.

“With fewer facilities operational, the ski area management teams have had to rationalise their efforts heading into the second half of our winter,” said a statement from the ski area.

“This review has, very unfortunately, impacted our people.

“In the next week, we will say goodbye to around a third of our total team of 405 people, and the largest impact of that will be seen at Tūroa.

“In these heart breaking times – both seeing the maunga as it is, and also having to say goodbye to our colleagues – we remain grateful for the empathy and support our off and online community has shown us.

“It doesn’t end here, not even close. We will await the snow, of which there is some in forecast, and continue to look to opportunities to rebuild.

“Our operational teams are committed to working tirelessly with what they have.”

Whakapapa is putting on a brave face.

They are some of the worst conditions in recent years, but the resorts on the South Island of New Zealand are faring well with good winter conditions.

The Winter Games NZ, the largest snowsports event in the southern hemisphere, has just got underway at resorts in the South Island around Christchurch:

Image c/o PlanetSKI