
Huge Rock Avalanche Hits Evacuated Swiss Village

Millions of cubic metres of rock have fallen. Some boulders landed just meters from buildings in Brienz but there was no extensive damage. The threat of further falls remains with villagers still not allowed home.

The entire village was evacuated last month as we reported at the time on PlanetSKI: Swiss village evacuated due to fear of rockfall

Recently some villagers had complained they were not allowed back, but now the geologists have been proved right.

It is estimated 2 million cubic meters came down.

Authorities say the village had a lucky escape.

The village is near the ski resort of Leukerbad.

There is still up to a million unstable cubic metres of unstable rock up the mountain so the villagers are not being allowed back to their homes.

A Swiss  geologist from Graubunden, Andreas Huwiler, said that Brienz must continue to exercise patience as safety is not yet guaranteed.

The debris flow is 12m high in places and is not yet stable.

It follows a rockfall in Austria earlier this month.

Experts fear there will be more rockfalls with climate change melting the permafrost and predictions of more rain making the ground unstable.

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Last summer there were several incidents:

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