
Auction Prizes Requested for Snow Camp Charity Ball

2023 is the 20th Anniversary of the snowsports charity. The Ball is part of a series of celebrations and fund raising events across the year.

On Thursday 12th October it holds the Snow Camp 20th Anniversary Charity Ball at The Underglobe in London.

“With Chemmy Alcott and Graham Bell as our hosts, and many Snow Camp young people sharing their experiences from recent years, it promises to be a very special occasion to celebrate our impact and thank so many of you who’ve supported Snow Camp’s mission over the past two decades,” said the Partnerships & Community Manager, Dan Keeley.

See here for further details: snow-camp.org.uk/events/20years.

The charity is also after some prizes for an auction.

“We’ve been fortunate over the years to receive some fantastic prizes ranging from winter & summer holidays to sporting memorabilia and experiences, family days out, festival tickets and West End musicals; aviation and motorsport prizes to fine wines, clothing, ski hardware, lessons, artwork and much more.

“Every generously donated item will play a significant role to help us raise even more funds on the night and support Snow Camp’s impact and vision over the coming years.”

All auction donors will receive logo placement and recognition in event materials and social content.

There will be recognition with the wider Snow Camp audience who’ll be able to bid remotely for your item.

“On behalf of all the Snow Camp team, thank you for considering this unique request, we hope to see you in October if not before, and we’re grateful in advance for any items on offer.”

If you want to offer an auction item here is how to contact Dan Keeley: dan.k@snow-camp.org.uk

The 20th anniversary celebrations started out in the Alps at the end of the season with the 3 Valleys Rally.

3 Valley Rally. Image c/o PlanetSKI

3 Valleys Rally. Image c/o PlanetSKI

PlanetSKI was at the event:

Image c/o Snow Camp

Image c/o Snow Camp

PlanetSKI logo