
PlanetSKI Snow Report

Temperatures are dropping in the Alps with some limited snowfall on the way. UPDATED

Saturday 10th February

As the half-term holidays get underway there has been a change in the weather, both in the Alps and the Pyrenees.

There has finally been some snow – not the huge amounts needed in some places, but it is welcome nonetheless with more to come.

In the Alps the south-west will see the best of it, with some snow falling in many other areas.

We’ll update you across the weekend as we see how much snow falls and what it means for the half-term week.

The temperature is falling, and the freezing level is set to be around 1,000m by the end of the weekend.

This will allow for snow-making to take place.

In the Pyrenees the first snow seen for a while has been welcomed.

More to follow…

Thursday 8th February

It is cloudy in the Alps with some snow on the way over the weekend, and it is set to fall in areas that haven’t seen so much this winter:

  • The southern French Alps could see around 50cm.
  • The central-western Italian Alps may receive 30-50cm.

Most of the rest of the Alps will also see some snow, but generally in lesser quantities.

The freezing level will be around 1,500m but will be fluctuating.

“The upcoming snow will be very welcome for those resorts that get it in any significant quantity,” said Fraser Wilkin from weathertoski.co.uk

“However, except in a few lucky resorts in the south-western Alps (Isola 2000, Monte Rosa), it is unlikely to significantly alter the situation for long.

“This is due to the serious lack of snow at low altitudes across the Alps, for which big back-to-back storms are needed to radically transform the situation and relay the base – an increasingly tricky task at this time of year when the sun’s strength increases.

“In terms of how the weather in the Alps will pan out for the big February half term week next week, there remains a lot of uncertainty, with a little more snow possible but not in the really big quantities that are needed right now.”

Ski Welt, Tirol, Austria. Image © PlanetSKI

Snow gun. Image © PlanetSKI

That’s said the temperatures are falling and that will mean the snow guns can do their stuff.

It will also help preserve the existing snowpack.

Some 90% of Italy’s pistes rely on artificial snow, compared with 70% in Austria, 50% in Switzerland and 39% in France, according to data from Italian Green lobby, Legambiente.

Wednesday 7th February

We’ll be updating shortly on conditions in the Alps and what things may look like over next week’s half-term holidays.

Keep your snow dances going folks, as things may be about to change for the better with some snow in the forecast for the weekend.

It doesn’t look like as much as first thought earlier this week, but it is better than nothing and the drop in temperatures should allow for snow-making.

In the Pyrenees some much-needed snow is also set to fall.

It has been a poor winter so far.

Andorra, Pyrenees. Image c/o PlanetSKI

Andorra, Pyrenees. Image c/o PlanetSKI

An image of the French Pyrenees from the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite tells its own story.

It shows the ski station of Gavarnie-Gèdre on 30th January.

The ski station remains closed because of the lack of snow.

Credit: European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery

Credit: European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery

Some ski resorts in the Pyrenees have temporarily closed, with others shutting runs.

In Catalonia in Spain a drought emergency has been declared with water restrictions imposed.

It affects areas in the Spanish Pyrenees.

The area has seen little snow this winter and for the past three years water levels have been low.

Some reservoirs are just 16% full.

In North America the snow continues to fall with winter getting back on track after a poor start.

We have reported on it here:

Mammoth Mountain, California. Image c/o Rob McAteer.

Mammoth Mountain, California. Image c/o Rob McAteer.

Mammoth Mountain, California. Image c/o Rob McAteer.

Mammoth Mountain, California. Image c/o Rob McAteer.

Monday 4th February

Some weather models suggest there could be snow next weekend, but of course that is some way off and things could change.

Fingers crossed, as it would be very welcome as the warm weather continues to cause deterioration of the snowpack.

It would be good news for those heading out on a half-term ski holiday next weekend.

Overall conditions remain mixed in the Alps with some good skiing at altitude after the earlier heavy snowfall, but lower down it is poor in places for the time of year.

It remains below average in the Pyrenees but readers have told us the conditions on-piste in Andorra remain decent considering the recent lack of snow.

Arcalis, Andorra. Image © PlanetSKI

Arcalis, Andorra. Image © PlanetSKI

Over the in the USA it is a different story with snowfall continuing in California, Utah and Colorado.

We will be updating on conditions in North America shortly, so do check back.

In Europe keep the snow dances going folks and lets hope some fresh snow arrives at the end of the week.

PlanetSKI has found some excellent snow in Turkey over the past few days.

We are in the resort of Kartakaya to the east of Instanbul.

Skiing in Turkey. Image © PlanetSKI

Skiing in Turkey. Image © PlanetSKI

Kartalkaya. Image c/o Michal Gurgul / @outdoormagazyn

Kartalkaya. Image c/o Michal Gurgul / @outdoormagazyn

Kartalkaya. Image c/o Michal Gurgul / @outdoormagazyn

Kartalkaya. Image c/o Michal Gurgul / @outdoormagazyn

Check out the full report from PlanetSKI content editor, James Cove: