
PlanetSKI is in Canada

We’re in some of the resorts around Banff in Alberta. Like in Europe there have recently been unseasonably warm temperatures. UPDATED

Canada is known for its cold winters with some resorts closing when it gets too cold.

Earlier this season Sunshine Village closed for a few days as the temperature fell to – 40c.

Now it’s a balmy – 4c.

“The snow is very skiable, enough coverage to be able to get some great skiing in on the groomers,” said PlanetSKI’s Marie Taylor.

“However it does feel like April spring skiing with the average temperature being around – 4c degrees.”

Sunshine Village, Canada. Image c/o Marie Taylor.

Sunshine Village, Canada. Image © Marie Taylor.

Sunshine Village, Canada. Image c/o Marie Taylor.

Sunshine Village, Canada. Image © Marie Taylor.

Sunshine Village, Canada. Image c/o Marie Taylor.

Sunshine Village, Canada. Image © Marie Taylor.

Sunshine’s signature run, Delirium Dive, is open.

Sunshine Village, Canada. Image c/o Marie Taylor.

Sunshine Village, Canada. Image © Marie Taylor.

Sunshine Village, Canada. Image c/o Marie Taylor.

Sunshine Village, Canada. Image © Marie Taylor.

“Sunshine has been working very hard to open the dive and all things considering the conditions are really good and enough snow coverage to get some great laps in,” said PlanetSKI’s Alex Cove.

And here he is coming down the Dive.

It is a similar picture in nearby Lake Louise with overcast conditions, but some decent snow.

There is 15-20cm snow predicted to fall in the next few days which is much needed.

Fingers crossed folks!

Update, Monday 26th February: