
President of FIS Applies for Top IOC Job

The President of the International Ski & Snowboard Federation, Johan Eliasch, has thrown his hat into the ring to become President of the International Olympic Committee. NEW

The Swedish former boss of Head is already a member of the IOC, and though not expected to win is seen as something of a dark horse.

Johan Eliasch. Image c/o FIS

Johan Eliasch. Image c/o FIS

The front-runner to succeed Thomas Back is GB’s Sebastian Coe, who is chairman of World Athletics with an impeccable Olympic background, though his victory is by no means a foregone conclusion.

Here are the seven contenders:

  • Lord Sebastian Coe of Great Britain
  • Kirsty Coventry of Zimbabwe
  • Juan Antonio Samaranch of Spain
  • Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan
  • David Lapparient of France
  • Morinari Watanabe of Japan
  • Johan Eliasch of Sweden

Thomas Bach will stay on until 24th June to oversee a smooth transition.

“In order to safeguard the credibility of the IOC we all, and in particular I as your president, have to respect the highest standards of good governance we have set for ourselves,” he stated..

The candidates will present their programmes, in camera, to the full IOC membership on the occasion of a meeting to be held in Lausanne (Switzerland) in January 2025,” read a short IOC statement unveiling the candidates.

A new president should be elected during the organisation’s 143rd Session scheduled 18th to 21st March 2025 in Greece.

During its 130-year history, the IOC has had nine presidents, all of whom have been men.

None has come from Africa, Asia, or Latin America.

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