
Vaccination Certificate for Switzerland by the Summer

The Swiss health authorities say they plan to roll out a certificate for people who have been vaccinated against coronavirus. Austria is planning one for next month and other alpine nations are looking at the issue.

The Federal Office for Public Health, said it would coordinate its certificate with the European Union and that it would be standardised, safe and compatible with other countries.

“We aim for summer and it is a challenging task but realistic aim,” said the director of the Federal Office for Public Health, Anne Lévy.

Austria has already embarked on a similar path as we reported earlier on PlanetSKI:

The certificate will be those who have had the jab – but not for those who recovered from Covid-19 or people who have tested negative.

The Swiss parliament has already approved the legal basis for the certificate.


Switzerland. Image © PlanetSKI

Swiss authorities have indicated that they hope to lift the Covid-19 restrictions in the summer as the vaccine roll out progresses.

The Health Minister, Alain Berset, said Switzerland will receive 8.1 million doses of the vaccines by the end of July.

This will enable 75% of the population to be immunised.

“We have a good situation. Six months ago no one would have thought that the vaccination campaign would be so advanced,” Berset noted in an interview with SRF public broadcaster.

It is hoped all restrictions could be lifted by August.

However The Local, Switzerland reports some believe the authorities are being overly optimistic.

“The problem is that large deliveries could come all at once in the summer. I doubt that the cantons will be able to cope with these quantities immediately”, said National Councillor Marcel Dobler.

Another deputy, Jörg Mäder, pointed out that it is difficult to predict whether things will return to normal in summer. “But thanks to the vaccination, this goal is within reach”.