
Italy Ends Quarantine for Fully Vaccinated People from the UK

Italy lifts the 5-day quarantine for travellers arriving from Britain that was introduced back in June. Here on PlanetSKI we also look at current arrival rules in the main ski nations of Europe. Covid-19 continues to spread rapidly in the UK. UPDATED

In the UK the current rate of confirmed Covid-19 cases is 335 per 100,000 people over a 7-day period.

In Italy it is just 75.

Some are surprised by the move from Italy given the current high spread of the Delta variant in the UK.

Tourism represents 14% of Italy’s Gross Domestic Product and the industry has been hard hit  by the pandemic.

Italy welcomed 65 million visitors in 2019 and is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations.

PlanetSKI was living in northern Italy in the city of Aosta in the winter of 2019/20 when the pandemic spread.

We left in early March before the ski resorts closed across the Alps.

We returned last summer briefly and this is what is now within easier reach:

Castello di Sarre, Aosta Valley

Castello di Sarre, Aosta Valley. Image © PlanetSKI.

Aosta Valley

Aosta Valley. Image © PlanetSKI.

People travelling from the UK who are double-jabbed will need to have a negative Covid-19 test and show proof of vaccination.

Italy recognises the proof of vaccination certificate issued by the NHS.

This means people can use the certificate within the country in order to access museums, concerts and other venues within Italy which require a ‘green pass’.

All people who have been in the UK in the previous 14-days must have a negative PCR or antigen test taken within 48-hours before travel.

Travellers must also complete an online digital form that will generate a QR code

Non-vaccinated travellers will need to show a negative test and then quarantine for 5- days upon arrival in Italy.

They must take another test at the end of the quarantine period.

Turin airport

Turin airport. Image © PlanetSKI

Italy remains on the UK’s amber list which means fully-vaccinated adults do not have to quarantine on their return to the UK, but they do have to have tests before returning and two days after they get back.

Those who have not had both vaccines have to isolate at home for 10 days, as well as having Covid tests.

Aosta, The Aosta Valley

Aosta, The Aosta Valley. Image © PlanetSKI.

It means some late-summer tourism to the Alps in Italy is now easier.

The move in Italy mirrors the recent moves made by other ski nations in Europe:


People from the UK are eligible to enter Switzerland for any travel purpose if they are fully vaccinated and can show adequate proof.

People also need a negative PCR test.

Travellers who are not fully vaccinated are only eligible to enter Switzerland under certain, and limited, circumstances.

All travellers arriving by air must complete a passenger locator form.

It is compulsory to wear a facemask on all flights to and from Switzerland.


The UK is currently on France’s amber list.

Travellers who are fully vaccinated do not need an essential reason to travel to France and do not need to self-isolate on arrival.

Fully vaccinated adults do not need to present evidence of a negative test result before travel.

Fully vaccinated travellers will need to present the following documents:

  • a completed ‘sworn statement’ (déclaration sur l’honneur) form self-certifying they are not suffering from symptoms associated with coronavirus and have not been in contact with confirmed cases in the preceding fortnight. This can be found on the French government’s website
  • proof of vaccination status

Unvaccinated (or not fully vaccinated) people arriving in France will only be permitted to travel for essential reasons.

Border controls

Border controls. Image © PlanetSKI.

On Monday 30th August Canada, Finland and, rather surprisingly, Switzerland were added to the UK’s Green List as we reported on PlanetSKI:

Switzerland in the summer

Switzerland in the summer. Image © PlanetSKI

Canada has a ban on general travellers from the UK, but this is set to be lifted on September 7th.

The USA has a ban and it is thought this will be lifted at the end of November as the ski resorts open.

Skiing in the USA

Skiing in the USA. Image © PlanetSKI.

All international travellers should check the latets entry requirements into the countries they are travelling to and from, plus understand that they are subject to change with little notice.

See here for our special section on PlanetSKI on  the Coronavirus Pandemic as it affects the ski nations of the world.

Italian border

Italy/France border. Image © PlanetSKI.